Based on your time of the visit and your preferences about different types of sights and events, the system will suggest which places to visit and will build a realistic itinerary just for your visit.
Why use sightsplanner?
Obviously, most people planning a trip start investigations by looking for materials on the web. It is easy to find a large amount of information about the city and its most popular tourism objects, but it takes very long time to select and organize all the interesting objects. Places and events which are really interesting for you, but not for the general public, are easily missed.
Once you find the sights you'd like to see, you need to build a rough itinerary. This is - obviously - pretty hard. We need to find out opening times and schedule the visits accordingly. It may turn out that some of the objects do not fit into the time schedule, in which we will have need to select different objects. All this takes a lot of effort.
Sightsplanner takes care of finding the objects based on you personal preferences, preferences, visit time, method of travel and the corresponding information about sights: their types, opening times, location, typical visit time and popularity of the sight. It will also build an itinerary for your visit. Last not least, sightsplanner knows more objects and more about the objects than any other site.
Using sightsplanner
Your plan and suggestions are composed using your preferences, visit time, method of travel and the corresponding information about sights: their types, opening times, location, typical visit time and popularity of the sight.
Conceptually, we use extended semantic web techonology plus probabilistic rules with a confidence measure. Data is kept as extended RDF sextuplets - object, property, value, confidence, source, timestamp - in both an ordinary relational database and an extremely fast main memory database for match calculation and planning. We derive additional information for objects using a rule system including full predicate logic augmented with a confidence measure.
The system database is built by merging, scraping and converting information from a wide number of different sources: several structured databases, several semistructured thematic websites plus human research and data augmentation/correction.
Contacts and links
Sightsplanner was built by a team of developers and researchers from three companies Mindstone, Apprise, ELIKO and the Tallinn University of Technology.
For further information, contact Tanel Tammet:
Some links you may want to check: